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Isle of Man Children's Services Procedures Manual - Contents

May 2023

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This contents list is sub divided into the following sections, each Section contains relevant Chapters/Procedures: (Click on the title to jump to the Section you require):

  1. Policies, Values and Principles
  2. Referrals, Assessments and Planning
  3. Court Proceedings
  4. Preventive and Supportive Services
  5. Planning for Looked After Children
  6. Placements for Looked After Children
  7. Fostering Services
  8. Adoption
  9. Monitoring Placements
  10. Reviews
  11. Contact with Family and Friends
  12. Education, Leisure, Holidays and School Trips
  13. Health and Wellbeing
  14. Restraint and Physical Intervention
  15. Leaving Care and Transition to Adulthood
  16. Youth Justice Pre-Court and Court Work
  17. Youth Justice Case Management
  18. Complaints and Whistle-Blowing
  19. Miscellaneous
  20. Appendices

1. Policies, Values and Principles

1.1 Values and Principles  
1.2 Legal Framework  
1.3 Duties and Powers  
1.4 Transfer and Allocation of Work between Children's Service Teams  
1.5 Case Recording  
1.6 Access to Records  
1.7 Retention and Destruction of Records  
1.8 Audit Policy  

2. Referrals, Assessments and Planning

2.1 Children's Services Threshold Criteria for Children with Complex Needs (Children in Need)  
2.2 Initial Contacts and Referrals  
2.3 Strategy Discussion / Meeting  
2.4 NARRATES (including NARRATES S46)  
2.5 Child Protection Risk Action Plan  
2.6 Transferring in and off Island when a Child is subject to a Child Protection Risk Action Plan  
2.7 Step-up and Step-down (EHaS to and from Social Care Teams)  
2.8 SoS Guidance on the Management of Child Protection Conferences  
2.9 Written Undertaking  

3. Court Proceedings

3.1 Applications for Emergency Protection Orders  
3.2 Court Proceedings  
3.3 Public Law Outline  

4. Preventive and Supportive Services

4.1 Services for Children  
4.2 Child with Complex Needs (CwCN) Plans and Reviews  
4.3 Private Fostering  
4.4 Disabled Children  
4.5 Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children  
4.6 Family & Friends Care for those in Care and those who are not  
4.7 Social Work Visits to Children with Complex Needs and Safety and Protection Needs  

5. Planning for Looked After Children

5.1 Definition of Looked After Child and Guidance on Placements  
5.2 Decision to Look After and Care Planning  
5.3 Permanence Planning Guidance  
5.4 Placement Planning and Disruption Meetings  
5.5 CLA Plan Guidance  
5.6 Special Guardianship Policy and Procedures  
5.7 Life Story Work with all Looked After Children  

6. Placements for Looked After Children

6.1 Family & Friends Care  
6.2 Placements in Residential Care  
6.3 Placements in Secure Accommodation  
6.4 Placements with Parents  
6.5 Placements Off Island  

7. Fostering Services

Caption: Fostering table
7.1 Family Placement Statement of Purpose  
7.2 Family Placement Service Notifications to the Registration and Inspections Unit  
7.3 Preparing Children for Placement; Welcome Books  
7.4 Recruitment of Foster Carers  
7.5 The Assessment and Approval of Mainstream Foster Carers Updated
7.6 Medicals for Adult Applicants for Fostering and Adoption  
7.7 Standard of Care  
7.8 Foster Carer Recording Policy Updated
7.9 Payments to Foster Carers  
  7.9a Mainstream Foster Carers Payment Schedule  
  7.9b Family and Friends Payment Schedule  
7.10 Alternative, Respite and Constellation Carers  
7.11 Supervision and Support of Foster Carers New
7.12 Contact with Parents New
7.13 Managing Allegations Against Foster Carers New
7.14 Fostering Placement and Matching Policy New
7.15 Overnight Stays and Social Visits New

8. Adoption

8.1 Policy and Procedure for the constitution and functioning of the Isle of Man DHSC Adoption Panel  
8.2 Step Parent and Non Agency Adoption  
8.3 Adoption Case Records  
8.4 Recruitment, Training, Assessment and Approvals (including inter-country) of Prospective Adopters Updated
8.5 Court Reports in Adoption  
8.6 Later in Life Letter Policy  
8.7 Family Finding and Matching, including Life Appreciation Day  
8.8 Access to Birth Records Intermediary Services  
8.9 Adopters Guide to Financial Support  
8.10 Use of Link Maker when Family Finding  
8.11 Medical and Legal Advice for Adopters New

9. Monitoring Placements

9.1 Social Worker Visits  
9.2 Advocacy  
9.3 Minimum Standards for Children’s Homes  
9.4 Minimum Standards for Fostering  

10. Reviews

Caption: Reviews table
10.1 Children Looked After Review Challenge  
10.2 Secure Accommodation (Criteria) Reviews  

11. Contact with Family and Friends

11.1 Contact with Parents and Siblings  
11.2 Social Visits and Overnight Stays with Friends  

12. Education, Leisure, Holidays and School Trips

12.1 Education of Looked After Children  
12.2 Holidays and School/Organisational Trips on Island  
12.3 Holidays and School/Organisational Trips off Island  

13. Health and Wellbeing

13.1 Health Care Assessments and Health Care Plans  
13.2 Drugs and Substance Misuse (Including Smoking)  
13.3 Administration of Medication  
13.4 GPs, Dentists and Opticians  
13.5 Sexual Health  
13.6 Self Harming  

14. Restraint and Physical Intervention

14.1 Physical Intervention  

15. Leaving Care and Transition to Adulthood

15.1 Leaving Care  
15.2 Registration for National Insurance  

16. Youth Justice Pre-Court and Court Work

16.1 The Youth Justice Team  
16.2 Role of Appropriate Adult  
16.3 Decision to Proceed  
16.4 Preventative Work  
16.5 Final Warning / Caution  
16.6 Providing Court Services  
16.7 Supporting Young People Prior to Sentence  
16.8 Pre-Sentence Report  
16.9 Orders and Sentences  
16.10 Youth Justice Legal Framework  

17. Youth Justice Case Management

17.1 Working with Young People Under Orders  
17.2 Assessment and Planning  
17.3 Intervention and Programs  
17.4 Review and Closure  
17.5 Working with Looked After Children and Young People  

18. Complaints and Whistle-Blowing

18.1 Complaints Policy and Procedure Updated
18.2 Complaints: Guidance to Staff Updated
18.3 Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing) Policy  

19. Miscellaneous

19.1 Change of Name of a Looked After Child  
19.2 Marriage of a Looked After Child  
19.3 Activities  
19.4 Transporting Children  
19.5 Children and Families Reflexive Supervision Policy  
19.6 Reflexive Supervision Exemplar  
19.7 Protocol and Practice Guidance: The Assessment of Parents with Cognitive Limitations (learning disabilities)  
19.8 Training  

20. Appendices

20.1 Local Contact  
20.2 Standards for Youth Justice Team  
20.3 Guidance to the Children and Young Persons Act 2001  
20.4 Amendments  
